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But the dressage whip can cause intense pain without tearing the skin. The stiff and narrow leather thong turned the areas kissed by its sharp caress bright red, but did not break her skin. No blood flowed. Choking against the strap around her neck, she dropped her head.
Reading her mind, Caden said, “This is just the start, dear. I don’t want to damage you. This little toy—,” He slashed between her legs. “—feels like a burning flame, but it doesn’t usually cut skin. This lash is designed for training valuable show horses, after all. Can’t leave thoroughbreds all welted and bruised.”
What? Would he leave her welted and bruised?
Anna opened her mouth to yell she quit, but just then, he moved his attentions from her thighs to her breasts.
All she could do then was scream.
She struggled to get her eyes back on his whip.
Where will he strike next?
With her arms bent back and her torso thrust upward by the ottoman, her breasts formed shaking mounds at the highest part of her bowed body.
Caden Morning whirled the whip’s tail over her nipples, striking first one then the other too quickly for her to guess where the evil tip would flail next. According to her nerves, her precious nubs were being ground off by some diabolical sandpaper.
But with the magic of the single-tail, her nubbins stood ever harder and rounder under the assault. The pain drew blood into them, rushing to staunch what her nerves read to be a bloody and gaping wound. Yet, this evil whip tortured without making any cuts in her membranes, and her blood stayed where it ended up, swelling her nips like balloons, ever more sensitive and able to register increased sensation, and sending her mind reeling further into an animalistic fog of pain and lust.
The damn neck-strap stole her air and she dropped her head back down, choking out a wail. She couldn’t even form words at this point, just release an inarticulate keening wail with no more depth of language than a dog’s bark or a cat’s meow.
A sudden harder and deeper pain between her breasts made her struggle to raise her head again.
“May I re-introduce the crop?” He held it so she could see the long black handle and vicious little slapper. He slashed the device through the air a few times, making an appalling whistle of impending doom.
Caden slashed her with the crop again and again, and each time, it released a solid, sharp ball of pain where it struck.
Then he touched her nipple with the cowhide tip. Choking, she let her head drop, which arched her swollen nubbin higher, making a juicy target for Caden’s aim.
Quickly, Caden Morning took the opportunity. He flailed the whip in rapid-fire mode, striking like a machine-gun. Anna’s chest felt like nails were being driven into her with each blow, alternating between her left nubbin and her right. The pain crested like a fountain, and at apex peak, her hurt changed into pleasure.
Anna’s mind reached her limit for enduring inescapable suffering. Endorphins flooded her body and transformed the sharp pain into something like the heat of a bonfire on a cool day. She found herself leaning up for the strokes of the crop. He stopped then and for an instant, she missed the steady burning, until all the new pains of her tortured flesh, lesser and lighter, but biting all the same, reasserted themselves in the absence of the steady hand behind the crop.
While he whips me, my endorphins convert the sudden pain into pleasure. But when he stops, the ache of the previous strikes takes over.
The residual burn from the single tail, her muscles complaining about her backward stretched position, her wrists and ankles and neck irritated by the rough straps, and her throat from her pushing against the nylon strap that cut off her breath when she tried to raise her head, these all had their say in the general audit of her suffering. When he struck her, all her pain transitioned into a solid tower of pleasure, building taller toward an inevitable climatic collapse.
“Hit me. Whip me. Keep going. Don’t stop.”
With a lustful smile, Caden started the whip’s tail moving again.
Anna uttered one long moan, making the sound on her intake as well as her exhale of breath. She made the noise with no conscious direction from her brain, her body just released the sound like the vibration flowed through her from an origin outside the ordinary world. Anna lost control of her throat, her shaking arms and legs, her tortured pussy leaking onto the ottoman. Her traitorous cunt sent one clear signal through the pathways of her nerves to her helpless mind.
The walls of Darco toppled, and for a moment, her world stopped. Time itself paused and her vision filled with a scarlet glow from the universe’s dawn.
Blind, for a long moment, every sound and scent stood out for her, shining like individual jewels. The everyday blur of perception resolved into the separate parts that comprised it, and Anna floated among them like a swimmer in a gravity-free ocean. Then, one by one, each point faded back into the general sounds and smells of the Branch Manager’s Office, the leather ottoman, the nylon ties, and Caden Morning’s rakish grin.
“Nothing is forever,” he whispered.
Caden stroked her skin with the stiff leather tip, teasing around her nipples.
The sudden gentle touch struck her like the rising notes of a sweet flute playing over a wall of ear-bleeding sound, and from her nipples to her pussy buzzed an electric connection. Anna’s juices flowed from her, coating the leather under her ass. Caden stroked from her nipples to between her legs, running the little thong at the end of the horse lash up and down her slit.
Then he brought the leather to her lips.
“Look how wet you are, Anna. My lash is dripping.”
She couldn’t deny his words. Despite all the pain, her passion was more inflamed than she could ever remember it being.
“Suck it.”
“Please don’t make me do that.”
“Come now, Anna, don’t make me repeat myself. It irks me. Only by total obedience will you see any mercy from me.”
She thought of the cane and the scars it might leave.
“Lie there and take your discipline. All your struggling does is chafe your wrists and ankles. You’re tight in my web. You won’t be leaving unless I release you.”
He pushed the tip against her lips, striking them with minor flicks.
“Or you tell me you quit.”
Closing her eyes against this new indignity, she opened her mouth.
Maybe if she gave him a good show, he would stop using his toys on her and let her use her lips on him instead. Anna could get him to release himself and then release her, if only he would replace his stiff little crop with the contents of the bulge in his pants.
Anna peeked at Caden over the tip of the crop and moaned, sucking the tip further into her mouth. She made sloppy noises like she slurped a lollipop.
He smiled at her and she had a flash of hope, but then he pushed the tip in farther, scratching her lips and hitting the back of her throat. She gagged helplessly. Caden yanked back.
“Thank you for getting my crop wetter, Anna.” He leered at her, showing his teeth. Even making such an evil face, she couldn’t help thinking about how handsome he looked. If only he would stop this nonsense and take her in his arms.
Caden raised the leather tool and slashed down again, the crop cut through the air with a shriek like a laser-gun from an old movie. A jet of raw pain shot from her pussy like the first flare of a great volcano. He struck several more times in her most sensitive spot. Anna’s squeal tore the raw skin of her throat.
“Oh, stop, oh, stop now, please, no more…I can’t..,” she wailed.
Bam, he struck her again.
“You know what you have to do to make me stop. Not screaming. Not begging. Two simple one-syllable words.”
Anna held those words tight and kept them from coming out, though they wanted to fly free and she wanted to let them. But to reverse her decision now would let Caden and Darco win, and though quitting would provide Anna Whitehors
e some temporary relief, she would lose.
She could save him. She could own him. If she could endure.
Caden beat her again and again, and she couldn’t scream. Anna’s throat was too raw and dry for her to make any more major sounds. Wails of pain and for mercy did not affect him anyway.
I’m not going to say, “I quit.”
Caden continued his slaps at her sex and Anna’s body transformed the pain as
before. The hurt muted and the crop became a tongue, whipping at her not with angry slaps of leather, but with soft blows stoking a steady fire. The sound and the impacts kept rolling through her, but the searing heat turned to a pleasurable warmth like the summer beach-side sun. Her gibbering shrieks went silent and she uttered little coos and sighs.
“That’s right, baby, let it happen.” She heard his words as if she was under water, they echoed around in her mind and blended into an operatic surge of emotion. She heard a sound like all the voices of all the people in the world singing at once. Like she was being ushered into an alabaster palace and to a room made with special care for her. His whip beat against her gates, and one by one, they fell until she was open. Conquered and subdued. Like Troy after Achilles, at peace.
Caden wore an expression of lust and ecstasy mirrored on Anna’s own visage. She stopped trying to figure out what was happening between them or how her pain could bring them both so much pleasure, and instead, just let the feeling rush over her. Submission fell like a desert rain with the slaps of the whips reduced to the accidents of raindrops, falling and exploding outward into expansive shivers of joy. Her breath came fast and she heard herself whimpering, “Harder, harder.” She ached for some spikes of pain above the wall of pleasure. His smile broadened and he obliged.
The shocks from his whip rippled through her flesh.
A sudden piercing scream split the air and she recognized her voice, then pure light blanked her mind and she came. Over and over again, she fell through clouds, spinning, floating, and then thumping back to the ottoman, like a flying superhero just set her down.
Rainbow waves danced before her tightly shut eyes. Then she opened them and gazed into Caden’s peaceful face. Anna looked up at his muscular chest covered with gray tinged charcoal hair. Somehow, in their melee, he’d lost his shirt.
She giggled to see a stain of wetness at his crotch, soaking the perfect pin-striped pants he still wore.
Anna struggled to control her breath and her shaking limbs.
“What happened to you?” she said in a shaky whisper.
“You got punished, Anna. Nothing happened to me.” He stood and turned away from her then. His shoulders heaved and he breathed in ragged pants. Not sounds a Director should make in the workplace. Anna rode a pang of joy
I’ve affected him. My endurance made him lose his perfect control.
The pang lived a short life though. Blood rushed back into her thighs and the sensitive skin around her sex, where he had flailed with his crop. Her poor pussy ached and swelled three times normal, demure size. Her martyred flesh sat between her legs like a soaked sponge, dripping and heavy. Alternating waves of pleasure and pain radiated out from her yoni, sending aftershocks into her mind.
Caden Morning stroked her there, making her gasp and arch her back higher to meet his hand. Anna tried to keep her eyes on his when he sat next to her. She rose her head against her neck strap and coughed, her air restricted by the scratchy nylon.
“You took the first part well, Anna.”
She ate up his praise, but then his words penetrated her foggy brain, like they were writing themselves via searchlights on the clouds. “The first part?” she parroted back to him.
“Yes, yours is a two part punishment today, first the front, then the back.”
She strained against her bonds. How could he want to beat her more after…after what they just shared?
“But, what about…”
“What about what, Anna? Your orgasm? That’s a good sign and a bad sign. It’s good your body is adaptable, and can transform punishment into pleasure. That shows you are an optimist at heart, and will learn to react positively to company requirements and disciplinary actions. Pessimists turn bitter after being punished and seek revenge. We have to weed them out.”
Caden Morning rummaged in his bag and held up a blue-green tube. “Aloe. Helps reduce the pain and prevent scars.”
Her mind went from white to red. “How can you be so fucking calm? We just shared…”
Anna found her ship full of emotions beached by Caden’s calm and quizzical expression. He didn’t share anything. She had an orgasm. Several. Sick and twisted orgasms he made her have by beating her. By hitting her sex in an expert way. Manipulating her emotions and nerve endings like a master. She strained upward again and could still see the stain fading from his crotch. Caden separated his emotions from physical ecstasy, and finished with whatever idiotic task he’d assigned himself, regardless of what he felt, what she felt.
Nylon choked her throat. Anna lay her head back, enabling herself to breath.
His hands slid across her silken belly. Lotion cooled like ice on a burn, reducing the heat and letting her skin heal.
With soft hands, Caden rubbed her thighs and breasts.
Realizing she was helpless now to do anything other than enjoy what she could and endure what she had to, she drifted in a sweet and balmy ocean.
Humming. He hummed as he caressed her.
“What’s that song?” she whispered, wanting to learn as much about her lover and tormentor as he would allow.
“It’s an old one. Closer by the Kings of Leon.” He rubbed her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger, getting the aloe in deep. “Do you know the tune?”
She shook her head. The rough strap again cut into her throat.
“Can’t you take this thing off my neck? It’s hard to breathe.”
He rubbed her belly with short, circular motions.
“In good time, Anna. Just keep your head down until I get there.”
Then something he said registered on her still woozy mind.
“What’s the bad part?”
“If you enjoy company discipline too much, you will act up. You’ll seek punishment.”
Anna clenched her fists. How could she have let this man make her come? He’s such an asshole. And Mister Macho can’t admit I made him come just by letting him whip me. He’s some kind of sick pig I’m stuck with. I can’t quit unless it gets much worse than this.
Anna learned to breathe in difficult positions in yoga classes. Classes she could afford with the extra salary, and she pushed her breath out from her center, her breath making a strong sound like wind through the trees.
Letting her head fall back exposed her neck and she felt more vulnerable than she ever had before. What if he’s crazy, what if he lures women here just to slash their throats and kill them? What if he’s some serial killer? Anna pulled at her bonds, but there was nothing she could do. He’d set the straps tight and his mercy alone could keep her safe.
That, or the words she would not say.
Caden Morning re-entered her limited view, with the glowing eyes of a boy with a new toy.
“I have a solution to your punishment-seeking problem. Frequent, hard discipline. Regularly delivered. As a preventative. You won’t need to disobey to earn punishments.”
Anna bit her cheek. I am crazy to stay.
“I’ll devise a schedule to keep you in line.”
Sweat pooled underneath her. Wet leather stuck to her back. Anna thought about her mother, and resolved to go see her and bring her a latte if she still had a job tomorrow. For some reason, she thought about Mrs. Tolling next and the way she twitched her hips when she walked. Would Mrs. Tolling quit or take Caden Morning’s punishment if old Clarice found herself facing the same choice?
Anna giggled, thinking of Clarice Tolling’s over-ripe body lying naked on the same leather her skin was touching now.
> How does Caden Morning make me react this way? Angry, and yet wanting more.
The ripples of her orgasm still washed through her, leaving her clean and ready for his next move, like the beach after the surf recedes.
I’ll find and uncover Caden’s secrets if I stay. I’ll find and uncover my own secrets if I stay.
“I understand, sir.”
“You will stay, even if I punish you to prevent you from ever stealing and lying again?”
“I will. Yes.”
Dear Reader, thank you very much for reading Anna’s Contract.
The next book in this series is Twisted Souls If you liked the action between Caden and Anna in the first book, you will love the next one.
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