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Anna's Contract Page 2

  “Is he mean? Will it be hard?”

  “I’ve never been on the wrong side of him. Not before I hired you, anyway.”

  Anna sobbed.

  “I’ve heard that he’s harsh, but fair. What you did was awful, Anna. If the company pays one person too much, they may not have enough to pay another. If you let this go on, which it seems you planned to, other people would have suffered.”

  “And this says you can punish me any way you want?”

  “You always have a choice. You can say ‘I quit’ at any time, and he’ll have to stop. It’s better for the company if you quit, you know. You’ll owe us the money either way, but if we have to fire you, the paperwork is substantial.”

  “I don’t want to quit. I don’t want to get fired.”

  “Well, then, you have an easy choice. Take your punishment.”

  “Will he just use his…his hand?” Anna sniffed.

  “He arrived this morning with an impressive briefcase. I don’t think it has any papers in it, because he does all his work with his Smartphone.”

  “I can’t believe I have to go through with this. It’s the twenty-first century, for cripes’ sake.”

  “I can’t believe you sat in this office and smiled at me while taking extra money home every week, Anna. My trust feels violated.”

  It’s not your trust that’s facing physical punishment.

  “I know it was wrong.”

  “Once he’s satisfied with your discipline, you can come back to work. We’ll dock your check until it’s all paid back, but there won’t be any other consequences.”

  Anna dropped the papers on the desk before her and sobbed into her hands.

  Clarice Tolling marched from the room.


  Less than a minute later, the door slammed open and Caden Morning strode through. He carried a long case. It exuded maleness from its midnight surface held together with even blacker stitching. He set his satchel on the mahogany-brown leather mini-sofa next to Anna, and then strode over to sit on the edge of the desk.

  “Please come over here and sit in this chair.”

  Anna pushed herself from the soft cushions. She struggled to get up, her thighs opening. Caden looked down at her, his blue eyes wide. Mortified, she closed her legs but the horse had left the barn with a flash of her panties in its mouth.

  Anna wobbled over and sat in the straight backed chair in front of the Branch Manager’s big desk. She blushed bright scarlet red and peeked at him from under her long lashes.

  Something is wrong with me. I don’t act this way, heart all fluttering just because a man looks at me. Maybe it’s my birth control. I just switched from the IUD to the new pill. My emotions are whacked out from the change.

  “Have you accepted my right to punish you, Anna?”

  She nodded.

  “You have to say yes.” He pointed to the Smartphone on the desk, showing a sound recording app on the pocket sized screen.

  All she needed to do was to say she quit, and she could walk out of here, never having been punished by this man. This incredible and gorgeous man with the ash colored hair and the arrogant stare, who sat there daring her to say no with his eyes.

  Saying no would leave her free, but in debt and facing charges from Darco, Inc. Her mother would be on the street with her, or worse, Anna would have to move into the dingy condo with her mother’s five cats and the overflowing litter boxes and the terrazzo floors she’d drooled on as a baby. Going back would be the ultimate admission of defeat, much worse than letting this man spank her.

  This devilishly handsome man who made her heart beat like a drum.

  It was the twenty-first century, how bad could the punishment be? Maybe he would give her a few whacks with some rubber whip like in the best-seller with the wicked stepmother. After a little pain, Anna could continue with her life. Without the bill collectors and eviction notices. Without the police. Without jailtime.

  “Yes.” A soft gasp escaped her.

  “I accept your right to punish me for stealing from the company.”

  Despite her brave thoughts, her lower lip trembled.

  “Good. Your contract allows me to do just about anything to punish you so long as we avoid permanent injury. You should realize this before we start. Theft of company funds is a crime just short of murder in my book. If you want me to treat you with less harshness, you’ll need to behave with complete obedience.”

  “Mr. Morning, I will do anything you tell me to, please be gentle.”

  “I’ve been called many things by those who know me. So far, no one has ever called me gentle.” Speaking over his shoulder, Caden Morning sauntered to the couch and sat.

  “Come and stand in front of me,” He pointed to a spot between his feet.

  Anna walked over and stopped a bit back.

  He snapped his fingers. “Closer, right here.”

  She shuffled forward. “Like this?”

  “Don’t make me tell you twice, Anna, it irritates me.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. You scare me.”

  “You should be scared, Anna. But you should also listen to me and do what I tell you. You’ll have less to worry about if you do.”

  He leaned back into the soft leather of the couch.

  “Now, lift your skirt up so I can see your legs and panties.”

  Letting out her breath, Anna closed her eyes. She reached down and lifted her skirt, showing him her smooth, pudgy thighs, the black lace covering her sex. Did her contract really enable him to order her to do this?

  Caden’s gaze roamed from the leather straps around her ankles all the way up her tan legs to the translucent cloth covering her sex. He breathed faster.

  He cupped her left thigh with his hand, and then stroked his fingers softly over her bottom. Caden pulled at the strap between her cheeks, twanging it like a guitar string. Anna Whitehorse wore a thong to work under her sexy pencil skirt and above her strappy shoes.

  Why did I pick today to wear a thong?

  She knew why. Last night, she’d been horny and someone told her that the Regional Manager would be coming in. The office buzzed with tales of his incredible looks, and though Anna had not any real hope of seeing such an exalted personage when he visited the local branch, she put together her sexiest outfit.

  Just in case.

  Now the day had gone horribly wrong and she wished she could go back in time and put on her high-necked gray dress and her beige flats. Today was definitely not the right day to go for the sexy secretary look she put together and somehow pulled off.

  Will he notice how my thong matches my bra?

  Caden Morning’s hand seared a path down her abdomen to her thigh.

  If he keeps up his explorations, he will soon discover that a Brazilian was one of the things I splurged my extra income on.

  The music of their combined breath mixed with her occasional whines of protest, filled the room.


  “Lie down, over my lap. It’s time for your punishment.”

  Instead, she knelt in front of him and put her hands on his knees. Her eyes sparkled with tears. “Please, Mister Morning, don’t spank me. I’ll do whatever you like if you don’t hurt me.”

  Anna eyes filled with tears. He just sat there with a cruel smile. She couldn’t let him spank her. She had not been spanked since the nuns at Saint Monica’s used the strap on her for staying awake late and experimenting with her roommate. It had been bad enough then, and it would be worse here, in her boss’s office. At work, where she should be a respected adult, Caden Morning meant to spank her like a schoolgirl.

  I wet my panties when the Nuns spanked me, and Sister Mary told everyone to hit me harder to teach me a lesson. What if I get wet here with my boss’s boss hitting me?

  Anna would never be able to look at him again if she stained his perfectly pressed trousers.

  Her dress rode high above her knees, and her skin tingled where he touched her. Anna’s heart raced. Caden Morning wa
s the stern, old-fashioned, distinguished, and gray around the ears older man type Anna often fantasized about. His wealth and power didn’t hurt her attraction to him, either.

  He leaned forward and began to unbutton her blouse. He pushed back the suspenders of her black pencil skirt, and uncovered her shoulders. The breeze from the air conditioner ran like feathers down her back.

  “Give me a kiss,” he said.

  Maybe if she kissed him, Caden Morning wouldn’t spank her. She leaned forward, reaching for him with her lips, pushing them out.

  He eased the lacy cups of her bra aside and her breasts bounced into the light.

  Caden Morning’s lips crushed hers and his tongue thrust between her lips. She opened her mouth and let him inside. Caden’s fingers pinched her left nipple, making her exhale.

  “Do you like me?” she asked, hoping he did. She had a brief vision of him helping her put her clothes back on and taking her out for a nice dinner.

  “I do like you. But that doesn’t make me not want to punish you. The sweeter you are, the nicer and more willing, the more you make me want to whip you and make you cry. But we have plenty of time, I’ve sent Miss Tolling home for the day and cleared my schedule. We can work late tonight on your discipline problem.”

  He sat back and patted his pin striped pants.

  “Now, do as I said, over my lap.”

  Just say the words, “I quit,” and she could leave. But she could never pay back the money she owed Darco. It would be hell to find a new job when any prospective employer would want to know why she left her last one. Also, if Darco pressed charges, she’d have a record and it would ruin her credit. Any job worth having would check her background and reject her.

  I’ll be stuck maybe working late shifts at a greasy burger joint and not be able to keep my nice apartment. My spacious and comfortable tub. My kitten.

  Her poor mother would have to cancel her in-home care, and they’d have to move in together. She wouldn’t be able to send any more checks to her little sister Jane, working at her orphanage in Chile. And there would be no more lunchtime lattes for a long time.

  Anna pushed herself up on his strong legs, firm as tree trunks.

  “Yes, sir,”

  Her cheek brushed the soft leather, and for a moment, she recoiled. How many people have sat here where my face is now?

  Wait, the new janitor gal cleans the couch every day with her special jar of leather dressing. Something made from mink oil and lemons. Tolling bragged about the cleanliness of the sofa since the former Hilton maid started cleaning the management offices.

  The leather should be cootie free.

  Mr. Morning pulled her pencil skirt to her knees and she relaxed, her cheek sinking into the cushion.

  Director Morning ran his warm hands over her bottom, squeezing and lifting her cheeks. He rubbed her thighs lightly and his fingers, now gentle, ran down to the space between them.

  He owned all the power. He could play with her and spank her here, in Miss Tolling’s office. Anna couldn’t quit. She made a firm resolution this very morning to stop running away from life’s hard knocks.

  I picked a great day to make that decision.

  Her life had been tough. No china plates, no silver candlesticks. Anna’s mother, Patti, dragged her and her sister from one dead-end town to another. From one man to another. Each one, Mr. Right Now. Many nights when her mother needed to scrounge a meal and a place to stay for the girls.

  Her mother did find her good Catholic Schools and they gave Anna free tuition because of her poverty. But the Nuns rode Anna hard, letting her know that in exchange for her education, she would have to perform labor and chores the paying girls never heard of.

  Some of the men had been rough, but her mother kept seeking and searching until she found Doctor Patrick and finally, stability.

  Then the good doctor went and got busted for prescription pill abuse and killed himself, and old Patti lost it and walked in front of a bus. Now she needed in-home care. Expensive in-home care.

  There were free institutions that would take the woman, but Anna couldn’t let her fade away in one of the places where people rotted with infrequent care and terrible conditions, despite the fact that she called her Patti, not Mom.

  I spent too many of the old gal’s first dates pretending to be the daughter of a friend or a niece to call her Mom.

  Still, despite her faults and occasional suicidal tantrums, her mother deserved better than to spend her last days just a number in a short-staffed subsidized care-home.

  So Anna paid the bills, even when it meant she’d end up with a zero balance in her account the day after her paycheck cleared.

  The extra dollars from Darco showed up like a blessing from heaven, and Anna did not let herself think about reporting it and ‘fixing’ the problem.

  She deserved this. Not reporting the money to her supervisor, she knew that was wrong. Every time she went for her morning coffee and splurged on a sweet new flavor instead of sticking with inexpensive house blend, she sinned.

  Now she would be able to work off her guilt.

  Caden Morning placed his hand between her legs and pressed down, holding her in place.

  “This afternoon, I’m going to punish you, Anna. I’m going to beat you for your behavior. I will space out the whippings with some moments between them. We’ll talk about your misbehavior, your honesty problem. You’ll anticipate the next discipline session while we talk. A natural effect of physical discipline is that your body will become accustomed to the pain. Therefore, to maintain maximum effectiveness, the punishments will increase in severity. We’ll discuss the punitive merits of the tools I’ve brought along with me, and I’ll decide which one to use next.”

  Mr. Morning wiggled his fingers, brushing them against her sex. She moaned, pressing back into his touch.

  “I expect you to be obedient to my commands, and cooperate in your punishment. You know you deserve this.”

  Caden used the fingers of his other hand to rub her breasts, which hung on the other side of his lap, her nipples just brushing the couch. He wrapped his fingers around her left one and squeezed, making her gasp. Then he moved his digit around in circles, teasing her nubbin on the supple leather surface. Every bump on the textured cow skin shot spikes of fire from her nips, which then ran down between her legs, where each one turned into a new drop of nectar and added to the multitude soaking the lacy front of her thong.

  “Are you going to spank me?”

  “No, Anna. A spanking is delivered with the bare hand. With the punishment you have coming, my hand would soon get sore. Instead, I’ll use implements designed for the task.”

  Caught off guard by the sudden harshness of his voice, Anna wailed, “What’s wrong with you? You are some kind of messed up rough beast to want to hit me after making me feel so good.”

  “I am, Anna. I’m nefarious. And I’m your boss. Do you want to quit?”


  Years ago, Anna liked to wander in the forested park near her college, and one balmy summer day, the grassy common area had been taken for a beer festival, with dozens of local micro-brewers serving samples and bands playing acoustic music. After trying a handful of different beers, Anna sauntered into the woods, taking one slightly worn trail after another until she heard giggling from the other side of a small stand of dense fir trees.

  She’d ducked under their low branches and stumbled into a diminutive field full of green grass. Three girls were playing there and they didn’t see her at first.

  Two of the girls knelt on the grass holding down a third girl who lay flat on her stomach. They were dressed in the expensive ripped jeans one buys already worn, and their hair sparkled in the sun. The two on their knees were blond, one in a green shirt and the other in red. The girl they held underneath them had dark hair. Instead of acidified jeans, she wore a bright patterned peasant dress. Or half wore it, as it was lifted up to her back, exposing a scarlet lace thong.

  The two
blonds stopped and stared at Anna for a moment when she appeared through the trees. No doubt, they planned for the crowd to be busy the free beer and tunes, and expected no one would stumble off silent and alone and find their party.

  Anna just stared back.

  Seeing Anna was by herself, deciding she must be harmless, the girls returned to their delighted slapping of their captive’s bare behind.

  If anything, the trio seemed to become more excited by Anna’s presence. Their laughter crashed in her ears. Anna just stared, unable to move. The girl closest to Anna locked eyes with Anna, and with a flourish, pulled the brunette’s thong to the girl’s knees and grasped it there with one hand as if she were binding her friend in place.

  The green-shirted blond had bright blue eyes and her lips curved beneath them, inviting Anna to watch and perhaps to take part as she rubbed her spanking hand over the naked beauties at her command.

  Red-shirt had brown eyes, and she smacked her hand down. Blue Eyes followed with her fingers wiggling, so that a spank followed each gentle caress seconds later.

  Anna gasped at the beauty of the dark haired girl’s peach-like posterior, and thrilled as the soft white globes shook and turned red. The memory of the girl’s perfect skin, her round shapes, and the delightful, deep, and inviting canyon between them, would haunt Anna’s nights.

  Then the young woman being spanked raised her head and herself caught Anna’s eye, and she had long black lashes over darker eyes than her friend. Her lips were full and curled in an expression of lust. The brunette victim took her punishing with apparent joy. The brunette’s sweet predicament, and her enjoyment of it, caused Anna’s pussy to leak into her panties.

  Blue eyes then stopped her stroking of the glorious mounds and pulled the girl’s dress higher, drooping it over Dark-Hair’s head. Now Anna could see the gentle hills of the brunette’s ass rolling into the taut young muscles of her back. Letting go of the now twisted thong, Blue Eyes grabbed handfuls of perfect skin and her muscles rippled as she kneaded her friend’s flesh. She regarded Anna with eyes lidded with sensuality, and said, “You’d like to have this done to you, I bet. You’d like to be spanked and played with like this, wouldn’t you?”